witnessing tools

Apostle Betty P. Peebles - "Witnesing.

Effective Witnessing Apostle Betty P. Peebles - "Witnesing.
witnessing tools
INSTRUCTIONS: This is the HOME page for "Answers from the Evidence Bible." This page indexes
These designs are focused on helping people share their faith. Pay special attention to the 25 card witnessing packs we prayerfully designed for
Free Christian witnessing and evangelism training tools and outreach resources. Strategy, techniques and methods.
Apostle Betty P. Peebles - "Witnesing. The Evidence Bible - Living Waters.
Street Witnessing
Christian Witnessing - GOD.
Momma don't Play -- Jericho City of Praise / Landover, MD (Washington, DC)
The Evidence Bible - Living Waters.
Christian Witnessing - Sharing our faith is a matter of the heart. We're not called to be lawyers or judges, just witnesses for Christ.