Ar code for ability wonder guard in platinum

lvl 100 shiny wonder guard pokesav generated spiritomb I made this code for metroidfan90 please subscribe Select activation sorry it was going to be L+R
Wonder Guard Spiritomb for Pokemon Black.
What Are Some Pokemon Platinum Action.
I need ar codes to change my pkm's abilities into other there any ability mod that works with the poket'ch app?that instantly changes my pkm's ability.
Shiny Spiritomb LV100 MAX STATS!! AR CODE.
This is a code for a LV100 Spiritomb with Spirit -?- as a nickname. Press L+R For this to work! Stats-999 all ribbons shiny male OT:????? ITEM: Leftovers

Ar code for ability wonder guard in platinum
What Are Some Pokemon Platinum Action.
Answer (1 of 122): I have a shiny code that really 100% works l+r to activate short but sweet 12075e52 000046c0 hope I helped
There are literally dozens of Pokémon Platinum Action Replay codes. These codes only work if you have the action play on your DS. In order to get the maximum amount
Wonder Guard Spiritomb for Pokemon Black. Shiny Spiritomb LV100 MAX STATS!! AR CODE.